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Why Startups go with mobile friendly websites

Why Start-ups should chooses mobile friendly Websites

Having a site that looks and operates well only on a desktop computer isn’t good enough for the web anymore. The world around us is adapting itself into the small yet smart screen inside our pockets. From sending mails to paying bill and booking tickets we use our smartphones to login various sites every day.

When not at work, mostly people prefer surfing the Internet with their phone. It’s a common act done by all irrespective to their age and profession. And you know who else spend time there? Millions of other Internet users. Their number is getting 
close to 4 Billion. As a web site owner, I bet you would like those people to enjoy your site as much as desktop users, or even more. That is why you need to make it responsive and mobile-friendly.
What is mobile-friendly websites and responsive websites?
Responsiveness means that elements of your site change their layout and structure to adapt to the size of the screen they are being viewed on. The site has to look just as good on a tablet or smartphone as it does on your computer monitor.
In the mobile layout, fewer elements appear on the screen at the same time, but they are large enough for users to see clearly and interact with. No horizontal scrolling is needed. To create a responsive site yourself, you’ll need to have some experience in CSS. If that’s not the case, you can get a ready-made responsive theme, either free or premium.
Yet, responsive design alone does not guarantee mobile friendliness. For the site to be fully mobile-friendly, it needs to meet a number of other requirements. Most importantly, all your content has to be accessible on hand-held devices. That means you should avoid using outdated software like Flash or Muse, which displays only on desktops.
Second, your texts should resize correctly so that they are readable without zooming. Third, the links should be far enough apart from each other for users to tap on them easily. If you base your site on a template, all those features should be built into it. After all, for Google and other popular browsers it’s all about your site’s efficiency. The easier your site is for your visitors to browse, the better it’s ranked.

Back in April 2015, Google released a new algorithm, which crawls the sites on the web and labels them as either mobile-friendly or not. This label then determines the site’s ranking in searches performed on mobile devices - Google shows the sites that it found to be mobile-friendly first in its search results.
What does that mean for you as a site owner? That, in addition to other SEO strategies you employ, you will need to make your site mobile-friendly to beat your competitors. To create a level playing field, Google shares advice on how to make your site mobile-friendly.


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